Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or a group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual, making them question their own memory, perception, or judgment, often evoking in them cognitive dissonance and other changes such as low self-esteem.

Are you the victim of gaslighting?

Watch out for these signs;
  1. You constantly question yourself
  2. You wonder if you're too sensitive
  3. You're easily being more anxious and less confident than before
  4. You struggle to make decisions
  5. You can't stop apologizing
  6. You think you do everything wrong
  7. You think you're not good enough
  8. Always feel you make bad choices
  9. You think you deserve to be alone
  10. You are unhappy for no reason
  11. You create excuses for them
  12. You've lost confidence
  13. Avoid giving information to friends or family members to ask for a confrontation with a partner
  14. Feel alienated from friends and family
then, how to recover from gaslighting? Stay calm, you are not alone. It's okay not to be okay, sometimes the answer is only from yourself. You are the ultimate rescuer for yourself. Here's the answer:

Accept the fact like the way it is, everything is not your fault. There is always no good news from the past. Accept it as a part of your GREAT JOURNEY!

Call It What It Is
Many people find the label “gaslighting” very useful because it names an experience they felt but couldn’t quite describe. After all, gaslighting is effective because you aren’t aware of what’s really happening since you’ve been made to doubt your perception of reality. Saying “that’s gaslighting behavior” is an essential step toward breaking free from it.

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As long as you’re in contact with a gaslighter, you’re susceptible to their manipulation since they know how to push your buttons. If you can, break off contact with the person. Of course, it’s more difficult when the gaslighter is a family member or someone else that’s hard to avoid, in which case you may need to minimize interactions rather than avoid them entirely. Please note that leaving a gaslighting partner can be dangerous in some circumstances; talk with a trusted loved one, and law enforcement if necessary, and take appropriate precautions. You need to surrender to the situation for getting a good closure if they refused to make it happened. It's okay to make yourself stop for asking a single "sorry" from them, it won't work.
You can't make a person appreciate you by doing more of what they refuse to appreciate.

Be Gentle With Yourself
Many people turn against themselves when they realize they’ve been gaslighted, blaming themselves for not recognizing it and breaking away sooner. Keep in mind that this kind of self-criticism is a common result of gaslighting. Try to let go of self-blame, and acknowledge that gaslighters are very skilled at the art of manipulation. The most important thing is that you’ve recognized it, and will learn from this experience.

Surround Yourself With Love
Nothing makes us more miserable than an abusive relationship, and nothing heals like loving relationships. Spend as much time as you can with people who love and appreciate you. Talk with them about the doubts and fears that became a part of your life through the gaslighting relationship. Allow them to validate your reality as you let go of constant self-doubt. Let these connections nourish you.

Learn From Your Experience
After being on the receiving end of gaslighting, you’re better equipped to recognize the warning signs. If your significant other was the gaslighter, be careful as you get into a new relationship. Educate yourself through bookspodcasts, and other resources so you can avoid likely gaslighters in the future.

Finally, keep in mind that you may see everyone as a potential gaslighter for a while—and for good reason. The trauma of gaslighting can lead to being “once bitten, twice shy,” and can make you highly attuned to possible emotional manipulation. Remember that not every disagreeable behavior is a symptom of gaslighting. Instead, look for a pattern of behavior over time and in different settings.

It’s not easy to recover from gaslighting, but it’s worth the work it takes as you learn to trust yourself again.

(Ephesians 4:32)

Good luck, it will be a beautiful journey! Yosssshhh...

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Fvck u corona! Mo maiiiinnnnnnnn ):


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